What papers tell us: environmental disasters in Santa Catarina mid-nineteenth century to the twentieth


  • Luís Guilherme Fagundes


História Ambiental, Desastres Ambientais, Santa Catarina


The purpose of this poster is under of Environmental History, to examine how major newspapers portray Santa Catarina news on social and environmental disasters, in the State of Santa Catarina, from the second half of the nineteenth century until the end of the twentieth century. The Environmental History considers the social and environmental disasters as events resulting problem of the complex relationship between human/nature. Therefore, to examine how these events are represented over the years, contributes to understanding the perceptions of the natural world. The Environmental History recognizes that living and nonliving forms of the Earth system affect the lives of human beings. The impacts and changes caused by human assemblages occur in the natural world for some time and are mutually conditioned. Thus, disasters are socially constructed, it is from the contradictory relationship with the environment that the various human groups face the consequences of disasters.




