Agriculture of Santa Catarina: the modernisation process through advertisements in the first half of the twentieth century


  • Aline Gabriela Klauck


Agropecuária, Propagandas, Modernização.


The history of farming activities in Santa Catarina, in comparison with other areas of the History has not been studied enough, especially the process of modernization of the country. Considering the importance of agriculture, this article aims to understand the historical trajectory of this activity, paying special attention to the evolution of the techniques, implements and inputs directed on the country in the first half of the twentieth century. Special attention is given to advertisements published in newspapers of Santa Catarina, which seek to provide solutions to the various problems faced by the rural producer in this period. It is through the analysis of the advertisements that the “modern” rural producer was one that could incorporate into your daily life the various equipment and supplies offered. This adoption would be the way to overcome rudimentary rural production by a modern production, however, in this "process modernizer" had not place for questions, so the question about environmental conservation were not part of the government agenda.




