Falanstério do Saí: An utopian experience in Santa Catarina


  • Gisele Maria da Silva


Utopia, Falanstério, Desejos, Frustrações


The utopian thought is the consequence of the desires and yearnings of the man in relation its life and a reply to the social problems. A proposal utopian, nor always will bring resulted short-term, but with certainty it will contribute very with the development of the mentalities and the society. The main objective of this article is to display and to argue the aspirations and frustrations concerning the first experience of socialist settling in Brazil. From the years of 1842 to 1844, the peninsula of Saí was diffusing of a proposal that it searched to modify the existing reality for a world more just and harmonic. The ideal of a equal colony in Brazil put into motion the population and called the attention of the authorities, the support came mainly of the interested in benefiting themselves with the enterprise. The empire and the great proprietors saw in this proposal the possibility of industrialization and civilization for the country. But it is in the thought and the fight of the French immigrants to the concretion of the objectives of this project, that we found the true reason of the colony.




