Politics, fight and press: criticizes to Felipe Schmidt through the newspaper República


  • Elisabete Weber Scharf


República catarinense, Imprensa, Felipe Schmidt, Jornal República


Since the early nineteenth century, the republican ideas already circulated in Santa Catarina, mainly through newspapers. After the Proclamation of the Republic, the Republican Party was established in the state. However, Republicans were divided into two: one of Lauro Muller and another of Hercílio Luz. With the election of Felipe Schmidt for Governor of Santa Catarina, in 1898, the political disputes between the two groups increased. This clash was brought to the population through two newspapers: "Republica" that belonged for the Hercilistas e “O Dia”, crated in 1901, that belonged for the Lauristas. The newspaper Republica works with periodic columns like "The Phantasma", through which appears criticisms to Philip Schmidt. Considering the political context of the time and the highlighted columns of the newspaper, we can make a discussion about the journal as a historical source.




