Ricoeur leitor de Freud: notas sobre a questão do sujeito em Freud


  • Weiny César Freitas Pinto


Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Subjectivity.


The article focuses on a specific point of the reading that the french philosopher Paul Ricoeur (1913-2005) did on freudian Psychoanalysis in his De l'interprétation – essai sur Freud (1965): its analysis on the issue of the subject in Freud. Our hypothesis is that there is, in a general sense, at least two fundamental aspects in the Ricoeur’s analysis on Freud, regarding the subjectivity: the first refers to the identification of psychoanalytic theory as a discourse on the subject, in this respect, the Ricoeur’s thesis is that Freud's Psychoanalysis himself has a proper speech on subjectivity; the second deals with the concept of this subject about which, supposedly, tells the discourse which is proper of the Psychoanalysis; whereas here, Ricoeur's thesis is that subjectivity in Freud is always the one that does not believe, a kind of “subjectivity in reverse” on our own terms. In order to evaluate the hypothesis that we propose, we argue from the dialectic of freudianism and the structure of philosophical acceptance of Psychoanalysis: the Phenomenology of Husserl and the concept of “archeology of the subject”, which Ricoeur’s reading on Freud on the issue of subjectivity puts us forth a kind of a sui generis theory of the subject. This thesis extracts from the philosopher's work on Psychoanalysis, perhaps, its most decisive contribution: would Ricoeur, through freudianism, speaking to us about a new theory of subjectivity? Apparently, yes. In this case, what kind of subject is, precisely, it? What kind of subjectivity is Ricoeur talking about as a Freud reader? How is the constitution of this subject, what are their characteristics, which, after all, makes it effectively possible? It is with this intention of, at least initially, to answer these questions that this article will, therefore, present some general notes on the question about the subject in Freud, from Ricoeur’s reading about the freudianism.

Author Biography

Weiny César Freitas Pinto

Doutorando em Filosofia - UNICAMP. Bolsista da CAPES PDSE (EHESS/França). Professor de Filosofia da UFMS.

