Should we educate for autonomy?

A virtude da autonomia intelectual e o problema da dependência epistêmica


  • Marília Giammarco Polli UFABC


intellectual autonomy, epistemic dependence, virtue epistemology, social epistemology, education


This work investigates intellectual autonomy from the perspective of virtue epistemology. The investigation is based on the problem established within social epistemology: if we are epistemically dependent, can we be epistemically autonomous? We have two possible answers for this problem: first, revisit the concept of intellectual autonomy to insert, into this virtue, elements of epistemic dependence; second, reject or diminish the value of intellectual autonomy. These paths are represented by the approaches of Matheson (2022) and Battaly (2022). After presenting the arguments and the structure proposed by both authors, we will seek to evaluate which option may be more viable, accurate, or useful considering educational contexts. We argue that the Battaly model is more pertinent, as it allows for more precise and accurate pedagogical analyses, as it maintains an individualistic perception of autonomy, but adds value to a new virtue, that of epistemic interdependence.


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