Governamentalidade e governamentalidade algorítmica

continuidades e descontinuidades na racionalidade política moderna


  • Jorge Luiz Domiciano Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho""


Governamentalidade, Governamentalidade Algorítmica, Sociedades de controle, Cibernética


The goal of this paper is to carry out a relational analysis of the concepts of algorithmic governmentality, proposed by Rouvroy and Berns (2015) and of governmentality, proposed by Foucault (2008), seeking to understand the continuities and differences of the former in relation to the latter in epistemic and sociopolitical terms. To this end, we will divide our exposition into two moments: the first is dedicated to the exposition of Foucauldian political concepts such as biopower, power dispositives and governmentality; and the second is dedicated to the concept of algorithmic governmentality, in which we will seek to understand the transformations operated by strategies and technologies of power in the shift from the disciplinary paradigm to the paradigm of control. We conclude that algorithmic governmentality carries, as a political technology, concerns similar to traditional governmentality, but updates them in a new techno-epistemic structure, which tends to produce new forms of subjectivation and alienation, which are no longer sustained in disciplinary molds, but in informational modulations.


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