Figuras literárias e reflexão ético-política no século XVIII



Iluminismo, alteridade, filosofia, literatura


This article aims to present an intersection between literary and philosophical elements in the French Enlightenment reflection, from the point of view of how the figure of the other, for example, the foreigner, the savage, and the extraterrestrial, can be used as a reflective element. The intention of this type of reflection does not involve an anthropological perspective, but rather a counterpoint to the perception of oneself. Literature offers a very explored fictional opening for a philosophical thesis to be put into perspective. In this way, Montesquieu employs the figure of the foreigner to distance himself from Parisian customs. Diderot uses the figure of the so-called savage to distance himself more intensely from European customs and, in turn, Voltaire offers a fictional portrait of an extra-terrestrial to convey a critique of the philosophy of his time. What is the role of the other in these texts, and what kind of reflection is carried out from these literary resources?

Author Biography

Rafael de Araújo e Viana Leite, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil

Bacharelado (2011) e Licenciatura (2019) em Filosofia pela UFPR. Concluiu o Mestrado pela UFPR (2013) e o Doutorado (2018), ambos em Filosofia, na linha de Ética e Filosofia política.  Atualmente, é Professor substituto no Departamento de Filosofia da UFPR. 


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