Evaluation of stakeholder management in the engagement of managers during the implementation of an enterprise resource planning system


  • Adriana de Bem Macuco Universidade Sociedade Educacional de Santa Cataina (UNISOCIESC), Joinville, Santa Catarina


Gestão da mudança, Gestão de projetos, Gestão de stakeholders,


The management of organizational change has been a critical factor in the implementation of organizational change projects, given the need to manage the human and behavioral factors inherent in the change process. The research referred to in this study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the stakeholder management tool utilization in the implementation of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system in a change process in a Brazilian multinational company. The action research is justified by failure rates in project change implementation, largely related to critical factors not managed during the change process, especially those that impact stakeholders. With the use of the stakeholders management tool in this research, it is possible to demonstrate the change in the level of engagement of functional managers, after the development of engagement actions, defined in the management process of these stakeholders, thus contributing to the process of change.


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