Lean logistics as support for strategic management practice


  • Pedro Vieira Souza Santos Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, UNIVASF.
  • Maurílio Arruda de Araújo Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará - UNIFESSPA


Logistics, Lean, Service level


According to Hines, Holweg and Rich (2004), lean can be applied across several segments, including supply chain aspects, providing benefits to the organization. Within these practices, the logistics aspects are heavily involved and, for this reason, are fundamental to the added value and success of the philosophy. The term "lean logistics", which for Nishida (2009), covers the planning and management of all logistic activities, under the lean thinking approach.

Logistics, besides being responsible for meeting the needs of customers and companies, also adds value to the product, since customers value the fact that a product is available at the precise moment, and also in the place. Santos and Santos (2018) complements and cites that the main goal of logistics is to deliver the right materials, in the right places, in the right quantities, and secondly to do all these activities as efficiently as possible. In this context, this intervention aims to analyze improvements in the level of logistics service of a company from the application of lean tools.

Biografia do Autor

Pedro Vieira Souza Santos, Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, UNIVASF.

Engenheiro de Produção

Técnico em Eletromecânica pelo Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial (SENAI/PE - 2010)

Maurílio Arruda de Araújo, Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará - UNIFESSPA

Mestre em Administração e Desenvolvimento Rural
pela UFRPE e Professor na Universidade Federal do
Sul e Sudeste do Pará - UNIFESSPA


HINES, P.; HOLWEG, M.; RICH, N. Learning to evolve: a review of contemporary lean thinking. International Journal of Operations

& Production Management, v. 24, n. 10, p. 994-1011, 2004.

NISHIDA, L. Logística lean: conceitos básicos. 2009.

SANTOS, P. V. S.; SANTOS, L. di P. G. . GESTÃO DE INDICADORES: UM ESTUDO DE CASO NO SETOR DE SERVIÇOS. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering - BJPE, v. 4, p. 115-133, 2018.





