Analysis of production planning and control based on the simulation of a production process using a hybrid MRP and Kanban model


  • Juliano Bianchini Associação Educacional Leonardo da Vinci (Asselvi)
  • Gilsiley Henrique Darú Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)
  • Satie Ledoux Takeda Berger Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)


Hybrid System, Production Planning and Control, Kanban, MRP, Simulation


Selecting the most appropriate set of tools for production planning and control is not an easy task. However, in recent years, the understanding of which tools are most appropriate for particular production environments has increased, and it has been found that the adoption of hybrid systems for production control can provide better results, since it is possible to take advantage of strengths of each system. In this context, the objective of this work is to analyze, through simulation, how the planning of raw material purchases influences inventory levels and customer service in a given production process of a national industrial automation equipment industry. The Arena software was used to model the dynamics of the frequency inverter manufacturing process of a family of products, which operates by addressing a hybrid system through Kanban and MRP systems. After the simulation of six scenarios, with given conditions and assumptions, the results generated a panorama of the influence of the planning of raw material purchases in the levels of inventory and customer service, thus providing a basis for decision making by the company, according to their production planning and control strategies.


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