Desenvolvimento Lean de Produtos: um olhar sobre as melhores práticas globais
Desenvolvimento de Produtos Lean, Melhores Práticas, LiteraturaResumo
O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar as práticas e indicadores da literatura sobre Desenvolvimento de Produtos Lean. Noventa estudos foram analisados através de uma pesquisa bibliometrica feita na base ISI Web of Science considerando as práticas Mapeamento do Fluxo de Valor, Fornecedores, Padronização, Engenharia Simultânea, Voz do Consumidor, Engenheiro Chefe, Modularidade, Simulação Virtual, Gestão Visual, Rede de Aprendizado e outros que apontam tendência.Referências
BEAUREGARD, Yvan; BHUIYAN, Nadia; THOMSON, Vicent. Post-Certification Engineering Taxonomy and Task Value Optimization in the Aerospace Industry. Engineering Management Journal, v.23, n.1, p. 86-100, março. 2011.
CHAUDHA, Ankur; JAIN, Rajeev; SINGH, A. R.; MISHRA, P. K. Integration of Kano’s Model into quality function deployment (QFD). International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, v.53, n.5-8, p. 689-698, set. 2011.
CLARK, Kim B.; CHEW, W. Bruce; FUJMOTO, Takahiro. Product Development in the World Auto Industry. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, v. 18, n. 3, p. 729-782. 1987.
COOPER, Robert G.; EDGETT, Scott J.; KLEINSCHMIDT, Elko. Benchmarking Best NPD practices - III. Research Technology Management, v. 47, ed. 6, p. 43-55, nov/dez. 2004.
COOPER, Robert G.; EDGETT, Scott J.; KLEINSCHMIDT, Elko. Optimizing the Stage-Gate Process: What Best Practice Companies are Doing – Part One. Research Technology Management, v. 45, n. 5, p. 21-27. 2002.
CUDNEY, Elizabeth; ELROD, Cassandra C.; UPPALANCHI, Anusha. Analyzing Customer Requirements for the American Society of Engineering Management Using Quality Function Deployment. Engineering Management Journal, v. 24, n. 1, p. 47-57, março. 2012.
DAL FORNO, Ana Julia; FORCELLINI, Fernando Antonio; ROZENFELD, Henrique; KIPPER, Liane Mahlmann; Pereira, Fernando Augusto. O impacto das práticas do Desenvolvimento Enxuto de Produtos no desempenho das grandes empresas do setor automotivo. Produto & Produção, Porto Alegre, v.15, n.4, p. 17-28, dez. 2014.
FUNG, Richard Y. K.; POPPLEWELL, Keith; XIE, J. An intelligent hybrid system for customer requirements analysis and product attribute targets determination. International Journal of Production Research, v.36, n.1, p. 13-34, jan. 1998.
GERHARD, Daniel; ENGEL, Sebastian; SCHEINER, Christian; VOIGT, Kai-Ingo. The Application of lean principles and its effects in technology development. International Journal of Technology Management, v. 57, n. 1-3, p.92-109. 2012.
GOTTFREDSON, Mark; ASPINALL, Keith. Innovation Versus Complexity What is too Much of a good thing? Harvard Business Review, nov. 2005.
HAFER, Marc. Applying Lean to New Product Development. Manufacturing Engineering, v.147, n.5, p.85, nov. 2011.
HOPPMANN, Joern; REBENTISCH, Eric; DOMBROWSKI, Uwe; ZAHN, Thimo. A Framework for Organizing Lean Product Development. Engineering Management Journal, v.23, n.1, p. 3-15, março. 2011.
JENNER, R.A. Dissipative Enterprises, Chaos, and the Principles of Lean Organizations. Omega-International Journal of Management Science, v. 26, n. 3, p. 397-407, jun. 1998.
LEÓN, Hilda C. Martinez; FARRIS, JENNIFER A. Lean Product Development Research: Current State and Future Directions. Engineering Management Journal, v.23, n.1, p.29-51, mar. 2011.
LETENS, Geert; FARRIS, Jennifer A.; VAN AKEN, Eileen M. A Multilevel Framework for Lean Product Development System Design. Engineering Management Journal, v.23, n.1, p. 69-85, março. 2011.
LIKER, Jeffrey K.; MORGAN, James M. The Toyota Way in Services: The Case of Lean Product Development. Academy of Management Perspectives v. 20, n. 2, p. 5-20, maio. 2006.
LIKER, Jeffrey K.; MORGAN, James M. Lean Product Development as a System: A Case Study of Body and Stamping Development at Ford. Engineering Management Journal, v.23, n.1, p.16-28. Março.2011
LOCH, Christoph H.; TERWIESCH, Christian. 1999a. Accelerating the Processo f Engineering Change Orders: Capacity and Congestion Effects. The Journal of Product Innovation Management, v.16, n.2, p. 145-159, março. 1999a.
LOCH, Christoph H.; TERWIESCH, Christian. Managing the Processo of Engineering Change Orders: The Case of the Climate Control System in Automobile Development. The Journal of Product Innovation Management, v.16, n.2, p.160-172. Março. 1999b.
MADDULAPALLI, Anil Kumar; YANG, Jian-Bo; XU, Dong-Ling. Estimation, modeling, and aggregation of missing survey data for prioritizing customer voices. European Journal of Operational Research, v.220, n.3, p.762-776. Ago. 2012.
MANOHAR, P. A, SHIVATHAYA, S.S.; FERRY M. Design of an expert system for the optimization of steel compositions and process route. Expert Systems With Applications, v.17, n.2, p.129-134. Ago. 1999.
MARION, Tucker M.; FRIAR, John H. Managing Global Outsourcing to Enhance Lean Innovation. Research-Technology Management, v.55, n.5, p. 44-50. Set-Out. 2012.
MORGAN, James M.; LIKER, Jeffrey K. The Toyota Product Development System: Integrating People, Process, and Technology. United States: Hardcover. 2006.
NEPAL, Bimal P.; YADAV, Om Prakash; SOLANKI, Rajesh. Improving the NPD Process by Applying Lean Principles: A Case Study. Engineering Management Journal, v. 23, n.1, p. 52-68. Set. 2011
NONAKA, Ikujiro; TOYAMA, Ryoko; KONNO, Noboru. SECI, Ba, and leadership: a unified model of dynamic knowledge creation. Long Range Planning, v.33, n.1, p. 5–34, fev. 2000.
OLIVER, Nick; SCHAB, Lee; HOLWEG, Matthias. Lean principles and premium brands: conflict or complement?. International Journal of Production Research, v. 45, n.16, p.3723-3739. 2007
OPPENHEIM, Bohdan W.; MURMAN, Earl M.; SECOR, Deborah A. Lean Enablers for Systems Engineering. Systems Engineering, v.14, n.1, p.29-55. 2011
OPPENHEIM, Bohdan W. Lean Product development flow. Systems Engineering, v.7, n.4, p.352-376. 2004.
POLLACK, Birgit Leisen; ALEXANDROV, Aliosha. Nomological validity of the Net Promoter Index question. Journal of Services Marketing, v.27, n.2, p. 118-129. 2013.
PYON, Chong Un; WOO, Ji Young; PARK, Sang Chan. Intelligent service quality management system based on analysis and forecast of VOC. Expert Systems with Applications, v.37, n.2, p.1056-1064, Março. 2010
QUDRAT-ULLAH, Hassan; SEONG, Baek Seo; MILLS, BRIAN L. Improving high variable-low volume operations: an exploration into the lean product development. International Journal of Technology Management, v.57, n 1-3, p. 49-70. 2012.
RAUDBERGET, Dag. Practical Applications of Set-Based Concurrent Engineering in Industry. Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, v.56, n.11, p.685-695, nov. 2010.
RINGEN, Geir; HOLTSKOG, Halvor. How enablers for lean product development motivate engineers. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, v.26, n.12, p. 1117-1127, dez. 2013.
ROZENFELD, Henrique; FORCELLINI, Fernando Antônio; AMARAL, Daniel Capaldo; TOLEDO, José Carlos de; SILVA, Sérgio Luis da; ALLIPRANDINI, Dário Henrique; SCALICE, Régis Kovacs. Gestão de desenvolvimento de produtos: uma referência para a melhoria do processo. São Paulo: Saraiva. 2006.
SCHULZE, Anja; SCHMITT, Philipp; HEINZEN, Mareike. MAYRL, Philipp; HELLER, Daniel; BOUTELLIER, Roman. Exploring the 41 framework of organizational learning in product development: value stream mapping as a facilitator. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, v.26, n.12, p.1136-1150. Set. 2011.
SOROOR, Javad; TAROKH, Mohammad J.; KHOSHALHAN, Farid; SAJJADI, Sara. Intelligent evaluation of supplier bids using a hybrid technique in distributed supply chains. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, v.31, n.2, p.240-252, abril. 2012.
SU, Chao-Ton; CHOU, Chia-Jen. A systematic methodology for the creation of Six Sigma projects: A case study of semiconductor foundry. Expert Systems With Applications, n.34, n.4, n. 2693-2703, maio. 2008.
SUMMERS, Gary J.; SCHERPEREEL, Christopher M. Decision making in product development: are you outside-in or inside-out?. Management Decision, v.46, n.9, p.1299-1312. 2008.
TUHOLSKI, Stan J.; GURSEL, A. Petek; TOMMELEIN, Iris D.; BOMBA, Geoff. Lean comparison using process charts of complex seismic retrofit projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, v.135, n.4, p.330-339, abril. 2009.
WASIM, Ahmad; SHEHAB, Essam; ABDALLA, Hassan; AHMED, Al-Ashaab; SULOWSKI, Robert; ALAM, Rahman. An innovative cost modeling system to support lean product and process development. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing, v.65, n. 1-4, p.165-181, março. 2013.
WALTON, Myles. Strategies for lean product development. Lean Aerospace Initiative. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. 1999.
YANG Li-Jen; CHOU, Tzu-Chuan; DING, JI-Feng. Using the importance-performance analysis (IPA) approach to measure the service quality of mobile application stores in Taiwan. African Journal of Business Management, v.5, n.12, p.4824-4834, Jun. 2011.
YEH, Ya-Ching. Evaluating solutions of administrative service recovery for elementary schools: Case study of remote rural area in Taiwan. Educational Research and Review, v.6, n.23, n.33, p.1069-1073, dez. 2011.
ZHAO, Xiande; HUO, Baofeng; SELEN, Willem; YEUNG, Jeff Hoi Yan. The impact of internal integration and relationship commitment on external integration. Journal of Operations Management, v.29, n.1-2, p.17-32, jan. 2011.
ZHU, Qinghua, SARKIS, Joseph. Relationships between operational practices and performance among early adopters of green supply chain management practices in Chinese manufacturing enterprises. Journal of Operations Management, v.22, n.3, p.265-289. 2004.
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