Bibliometric survey on Lean Healthcare in Project Management


  • Samuel Martins Drei Federal Fluminense University
  • Ruben Huamanchumo Gutierrez
  • Lidia Angulo-Meza

Palabras clave:

Lean Healthcare, Project Management, Bibliometric survey.


The hospital environment is very conducive to incorporate the Lean philosophy, as this organizations must provide quality services with a comprehensive resource restriction. Since some experts attribute many health services to inefficient work systems, these Lean tools have been associated with some complementary concepts, such as project management. Thus, it is necessary to level the literature to know the advances in the depth level of these tools. Therefore, this paper is intended to present an overview of the literature on Lean Healthcare aimed at Project Management. To achieve this goal, a bibliometric survey was first used using the PRISMA guide for reviews, analyzing the main institutions and countries involved with the publications. Then, a survey was done about the keywords used in the papers studied to identify the patterns present in the Lean Healthcare studies in Project Management. As results, it was possible to establish the universities that have the most impact on the production of papers in this theme, their countries of origin, as well as the characteristics of the papers present in the literature, concluding that there are still opportunities to drop further.


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