Evaluation of integration between Lean and Industry 4.0: a literature review


  • Luana Rodrigues Pizetta Claudino Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Robisom Damasceno Calado Universidade Federal Fluminense


Indústria 4.0, Lean Manufacturing, Lean Automation, Revisão da Literatura


The Industry 4.0, also known as the 4th Industrial Revolution, are disseminating at companies a new manufacturing concept, in which emphasize the smart connection between equipments and the independence of control, changing the paradigm of interaction between man and the machine. In the context of companies that are adapting their processes for the industry 4.0, has been discussed at literature the interaction of this new industrial concept with the Lean Management, which are based on the continuous improvement and elimination of waste. However, it is noticed that few papers address a practical application of Lean concepts integrated with technologies of the Industry 4.0. Therefore, the objective of this work is, based on a literature review, to carry out a synthesis of the researches that integrate the approaches. From this study, it was possible to identify the impacts of Industry 4.0 on Lean processes, how Industry 4.0 technologies can benefit Lean processes and what benefits the Lean approach provides for Industry 4.0. With this, it has been identified that there are many benefits integrating these approaches, both to enhance Lean processes and to better perform the industry 4.0.


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