Maintenance’s Value Stream Mapping as a useful tool for the implementation of Lean Maintenance: case study in an injection’s sector of a thermoplastics company


Palabras clave:

Value Stream Mapping – VSM, Value Stream Mapping in Maintenance – VSMM, Lean Maintenance


Value Stream Mapping is a tool that support in the introduction and use of lean thinking through the identification of value creation. In addition to Production, this tool can be applied to other areas, such as in the Maintenance’s process. The use of the tool in Maintenance is known as MFVM. This should be one of the first tools to be used in the implementation process of Lean Maintenance, since it is a technique of mapping the flows of materials and information that trigger the processes that allow to perform the Maintenance. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to apply the MFVM’s tool in a thermoplastic company. In order to reach the proposed objective, we searched the literature through an exploratory research, which works have already used the MFV tool in Maintenance. Based on the portfolio generated, the tool was applied in practice. The application of MFVM, a tool that is part of the Lean Maintenance approach, identified wastage within the planned and corrective maintenance process in the company’s Injection sector. This research shows that MFVM is a powerful tool for implementing Lean Maintenance and allows each industry to continuously understand and improve its lean understanding in Maintenance.

Biografía del autor/a

Danilo Ribamar Sá Ribeiro, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção (PPGEP) - nível Doutorado

Grupo de Engenharia de Produtos, Processos e Serviços (GEPPS)


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