Project-Based Learning’s Model for Teaching Process Planning through the Toyota Kata Approach
Palabras clave:
Model, Process Planning, Part’s Machining, Project-Based Learning, Toyota Kata ApproachResumen
The fierce competition has imposed increasingly on the organizations the development of products of greater quality, in short time and with low costs. By directly influencing the development time, the Process Planning phase represents an opportunity for improvement, by impacting on the productive efficiency of the organization. Process Planning describes and details the sequence of manufacturing operations of a part or product. Even knowing the importance of this subject, there is the disinterest of students in lectures. With this, the objective of this work is to propose a theoretical model of project-based learning (PBL) for teaching the Planning of Machining Process through the Toyota Kata approach. In which a theoretical model for teaching was elaborated with 4 Phases, each one contains the elements that configure its delivery. To achieve each delivery, the students use a systematized routine with small experiments and reflections of the actions taken. The work contributed by providing a model of how to implement a PBL for the learning of Process Planning through small experiments, aiming to promote the students' learning and seeking the engagement of the same to the class.Citas
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