Proposal of improvement in a process of an emergency childcare according to the lean approach


  • Francisca Goedert Heiderscheidt
  • Fernando Antônio Forcellini


Lean Healthcare, Value Stream Mapping, Value, Waste, Emergency Childcare


The quality improvement in health is a major concern in the current context in which services need to offer a high level of care. The lean approach aims to deliver the most value from the point of view of consumers and at the same time, consume minimal resources and to use the skills of those responsible for the work. The lean approach driven to health care is known as lean healthcare. Among the health provider institutions, is a emergency childcare where there is patient dissatisfaction due to the compromised system performance, there are long delays and high variability of time. The objective of this study is to propose improvements in the service in a emergency childcare process in which the patient needs, as medical request, receive some type of medicine. In order to fulfill this objective, was made use of a diagnostic action research. So that they could act in the process studied by applying the principles that the lean approach, used a value stream mapping. Through the analysis of the value stream, it was proposed a plan of action with improvement priority and could recommend a new flow with less waste.


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