Application of the poka yoke device for quality improvement in work safety: a case study


  • Alyson Pereira Rodrigues Universidade CEUMA
  • Ricardo Daher Universidade CEUMA

Palabras clave:

Poka Yoke, Improvement, Human Errors, Safety at Work


The aim of this research is to apply the Poka-Yoke system in an industrial environment aiming at improving the quality of work safety and guaranteeing the performance of activities with reduction of human errors. This work is characterized as a qualitative and exploratory research, which uses as technical procedures the bibliographic research and a case study in a northeastern industry. This research presents first the principles of Poka-Yoke and its application and the main steps of its implementation. Next, the presentation of the company is described as well as the methodology used to achieve the results and discussions. Finally, the final considerations and recommendations for future work are presented.

Biografía del autor/a

Alyson Pereira Rodrigues, Universidade CEUMA

Atua no Departamento de Engenharia de Produção como professor no grupo de escrita de livros e colaboradores da liga acadêmica de Simulação.

Ricardo Daher, Universidade CEUMA

Departamento de Engenharia de Produção


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