Deployment of manufacturing technique in a steel-and-metal industry


Palabras clave:

Lean manufacturing, Replicable model, Metalworking Company


This case study presents the analysis of the implementation of lean manufacturing principles for a metalworking company sector and the lean manufacturing model replication to complementary sectors. The company is known as one of the largest manufacturers of fiberglass ladders in the country. Given the crisis experienced by the national industry, the proposed model is valid because it can be replicated and bring practical solutions and results to increase the company's productivity indexes. The implementation of the pilot project was the basis for the development of the manufacturing model in complementary sectors of the company. The following techniques were implemented: Value Stream Mapping (VSM), production line balancing, layout redesign, redesign of the standard operating procedure (SOP) after a withdrawal of activities that did not add value, 5S, 5W2H, and the intermediate stock reduction. The learning from the pilot-project implementation motivated the generation of proposals for improvements, through feedback from all involved in the project. As a result, the company achieved a balance of its activities, reducing approximately 60% of manufacturing time in bottleneck resource and 47% of movement of people and materials. The biggest gain, however, lies in the company's ability to replicate the model of one process for others.

Biografía del autor/a

João Flávio de Freitas Almeida, Departamento de Engenharia de Produção Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Departamento de Engenharia de Produção Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


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