Information flow mapping in the Integration of Demand Forecasting Process, Master Production Planning and Scheduling Fine Production


  • João Paulo Kappaum Thiesen Engenharia da Produção - UFRGS
  • Everaldo Luis Daronco UFRGS/PPGEP
  • Marcelo Cortimiglia PPGEP/UFRGS

Palabras clave:

IDEF0, Information Flow, Management of Internal Supply Chain


With growing competition in the market, companies need to seek operational efficiency, and planning system, organization and reliable coordination. Such gains can be achieved through proper supply chain management, supported by information systems that optimize complex information flows associated with such management. The objective of this paper is to map through the IDEF0 methodology, information flow integration of demand forecasting processes, master production plan and fine sequencing of production, performed by two project implementation of information systems, and demonstrate the gains that flow analysis can generate in terms of integrated process improvement. The study was based on analysis of documents of the projects and interviews with professional development of implemented systems and management of integrated processes, resulting in an incremental design flow map that was later validated by the informants. The main results were the creation of a map with the global vision of integrated process at different levels of detail, validating the use of IDEF0 for such a task and enabling managers to evaluate failures of processes and improvement opportunities in activities or information systems.


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