Use of Value Stream Mapping in a Dental Clinic: A Case Study



Lean Healthcare, MFV, Serviços Odontológicos


Society's search for well-being, self-esteem and quality of life has been increasing, increasing the demand for dental services. And this demand causes a need for companies to improve to meet and maintain the quality of care, making possible the loyalty and prospection of new patients. The objective of this research is to analyze the effects of the application of the VSM in the process of inferior protocol with immediate load. The methodology applied was a case study in a dentistry clinic of Vale dos Sinos - RS, from the mapping of the current state and proposed future state. As results, it was observed in the current state of the first stage a percentage of VA(Added Value) of 14.01% and lead time of 0.480 days and in the second stage of the process in a percentage of VAD AV of 5.35% and lead time of 2.76 days. In the developed proposal, following the principles of the Lean, so that the previously outsourced process can be carried out internally, it is suggested a percentage of VAD AV of 75.19% and lead time of 0.0895 days in the first step, and in the second one percentage of VAD AV of 42.60% and lead time of 2.08 days. This proposal requires an investment of R$ 9,783.00, that was analyzed with NPV and resulted in R$ 30,849.08, also presenting an IRR of 84%, making it viable.

Author Biographies

Jessica Fassbinder da Silva, Universidade Feevale

Graduado em gestãop da Produção Industrial na Universidade Feevale

Fabiano de Lima Nunes, Universidade Feevale

Mestre e doutorando em Engenharia de Produção e Sistemas (PPGEPS - Unisinos) e Professor na Universidade Feevale

Pedro Müller Nunes, Instituto Federal Rio-grandense

Acadêmico em Informática no Instituto Federal Rio-grandense


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