The application of the Lean philosophy in agil project management - a case study


  • Luana Muniz Couto Fernandes Pesquisadora Independente
  • Ercilia de Stefano UFF
  • João Carlos Barreto Pesquisador Independente
  • Alberto Eduardo Besser Freitag UCAM
  • Marlene Jesus Soares Bezerra UEZO


Gestão de Projetos, Metodologias Ágeis, Lean, Lean manufacturing, Kaizen


The use of Lean concepts in production is a well-known practice; however, its application in Project Management is a novelty that can bring competitive advantages for companies. More and more, companies have been adopting the agile project management as a strategy to increase their market competitiveness, so as to achieve good outcomes. In recent years, there has been an understanding that the use of better project management tactics is necessary, however that is no longer enough. It is also paramount to optimize the use of available resources in companies, to attain better results and cut down the waste to avoid higher investments. This is a study about the Lean concepts and their applicability in agile project management. Its aim is to analyze ways to insert Lean concepts in the agile project management in the expedition area of an aircraft engine repair company, through the use of kaizen philosophy, as to identify an opportunity of improvement, to map the current process, to develop solutions, to implement, to analyze results and, finally, to create a pattern. From the results generated, it is clear that the elimination of waste through methods established in the market such as lean manufacturing can, without a doubt, improve performance and ensure greater competitiveness for companies.


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