Implementation plan with assistance of BIM and Lean for project processes in a medium-sized construction company
Construction, Planning, Lean, BIM.Abstract
The construction industry often goes through changes in paradigms, especially in the use of technologies in designing projects and construction planning. Project processes are essentially a sequence of improvements in a set of information to be transmitted to subsequent phases. Even small projects in the construction industry produce a lot of information. In this context the problem of this work is inserted, consisting of the way in which the process of implementing a building is currently done. Where the process is traditionally fragmented, dependent on paper-based forms of communication, mistakes and omissions occur frequently in these documents resulting in unforeseen costs and delays, problems that result in misunderstanding, costs among others. Two themes are performing fundamental changes in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry. The first, Lean Construction (LC), is a conceptual approach to construction management and design that views production as a flow and reduces waste throughout the production process. The second, Building Information Modeling (BIM), is a transformative information technology that integrates processes, improves communication, can improve production processes and planning, and makes control easier. In these circumstances, the present study developed a plan for the implementation of BIM, together with the concepts of Lean for a medium-sized construction company, analyzing and mapping its current process, allowing the identification of wastes and suggestions for solving them. Finally, this study will help in the organization of the steps to be taken for the success of the implantation plan in the construction company. Finally, as final considerations was analyzed how the objective of this study was achieved, the gain of this study for the company, some research limitations and suggestions for future work.
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