Implementation overview of organizational routines in Lean Product Development (LPD)
Organizational Routines, Lean Product Development, Systematic Bibliographic Review.Abstract
Most organizations cannot sustain one of the principles of the Lean approach, such as the pursuit of perfection / continuous improvement. So they fail over time. The proposal for the use of the same as the facts and functional functions to the practical practice, the functional function and the approach to work with other aspect as tangible (thought gerential, routines). Some authors advocate an idea that journeys are a way of maintaining a journey for continuous improvement. Based on this, this article aimed to analyze how the organizational routines are worked with the objective of maintaining the search for continuous improvement in Lean Product Development. The method awoke the research for the theoretical-conceptual process, based on the systematic bibliographical review for the accomplishment of bibliometric analysis and scientific content. The research resulted in a portfolio of 12 articles, which were analyzed according to the purpose of a research. This surveys aims to contribute to the verification of a gap in the knowledge of how routines are performed and treated within the Lean Product Development in order to assist as organizations in the quest for the sustainability of continuous improvement.
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