The use of value stream mapping (vsm) in the organizational management of public schools: a multicase study
Lean Office, Lean System, VSM, Management organization, Management scholar.Abstract
Lean practices are being adopted around the world by different types of business and enabling organizational improvements evidenced in the different types of studies published. What is no different in services from the adoption of lean office practices. And this article seeks to confirm such evidence in order to diagnose the organizational management of two secondary schools, based on lean office practices. This was possible through a multistudy study carried out in two public schools located in the State of Pará / Brazil. Based on the case study protocol and a systematic review of the literature, it was possible to trace the types of services performed by the objects of study, which consume material and human resources, equipment and infrastructure for their effective execution and are the targets of lean practices in terms of reducing waste to increase productivity. Thus, the data were treated with the application of lean office practices in order to better evaluate the management performance of the main services (issuance of declarations, certificates and reservations) carried out by the schools. The maps of the current state of the administrative flows of the mentioned services were elaborated showing the possible wastes that can be eliminated and / or reduced. Subsequently, the construction of the future map gave this study an analytical character of the processes in both institutions, which showed great differences both in the infrastructure of the schools and in the total lead time of the services provided by the same. Thus it became possible to propose solutions for the reduction of the total time of the value stream, mechanisms to make the environment more visual and procedures to be able to quantitatively measure demand, processes and capacity. Repeating the highlighted process in this study can in the short term, achieve efficient improvements and solutions that further favor the flow of value that serves Parents / Students, the main users of these services.References
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