Lean thinking: Kata approach applied as an aid process for project execution
Lean Thinking, Kata, ProjectsAbstract
The Lean Thinking philosophy is a great ally in the development of modern companies and that turns to the competitiveness of an increasingly fierce market where eliminating wastes in their processes and adding value to their products is necessary. Within this philosophy is the Kata approach, which aims to disseminate the culture of improvement within companies through routines of improvements that involve managers and employees. With few procedures that help in the management of projects, the need arises to develop a process that serves as a support in the execution of the same, reducing possible failures, becoming a competitive advantage for the companies. Within this context, this study aims to use the Kata approach to aid in the management of projects according to the Lean Thinking philosophy. To fulfill this objective, through its methodology, this article presents a theoretical study on the subject addressed; as well as in the advancement of the study the development a model of execution of projects according to the Kata approach. Therefore, it is expected to present a Kata framework model and a standard process, as an aid to project executions.References
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