Lean manufacturing applied in the production process for the implementation of two-dimensional barcode QR-Code on operational and functional control
Information Technology, Lean Manufacturing, Toyota Production System, Bi-dimensional Bar Code QR-CodeAbstract
The demands of the market over the requisites of agility, information confiability to identify the products and tracebility, have elevated the control exigence inside the manufacturing chain, contributing for the increase of inefficiency and decrease of the companies productivity. The advent of new technologies, the discovery of new work tools developed from the Information Technology evolution, together with the "Lean concept", has created the possibility of reverting this frame. The use of the bar code has turned more precise the information conjoint to the productivity improvement in the diverse sections of the production chain. The present article is a study case of preparation of heavy industry environment for the implementation of the bidimensional bar code tool QR-Code in a company of plastic injection situated in Curitiba/PR. The obtained results have shown significative performance after kaizen and implantation of the bidimensional bar code, as shown in the client's indicators of rejection, order fulfillment, rejection in the manufacture process, exchange time of models, manufacture Lead Time and storage of the final product, which resulted above the established aims. The process of manufacture has gained in confiability and productivity, reducing the preparation of forms to insert data in the system.References
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