Lean in the Public Service - an analysis of the literature


  • Mônica Bruschi
  • Fernando Antonio Forcellini


Public Service, Lean, Public Administration


The public services management presents an increasing demand for efficiency, giving more effective results to the citizens. This results-oriented management is a challenge in the context of public services, and the targeting of improvement actions for the generation of value in the processes consists of an alternative for the improvement of efficiency in this context. For this purpose, the Lean philosophy has been applied in several settings, although it has begun in manufacturing. There are several successful applications of this approach in services. However, its use in the scope of public service is still incipient. Given this scenario, this paper aims to conduct a systematic review of the literature on the application of the Lean philosophy in the public service, and the results are presented and discussed through bibliometric analysis and content analysis. The report shows the main barriers, facilitators, and benefits in Lean implementation in the context of public service. Also, suggestions for future research on the subject are presented, based on the gaps identified in the analyzed literature.


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