Methods to increase the productivity of container terminals based on lean service



Lean service, productivity, container terminals, service management


This article aims to demonstrate the relationship between the actions planned and executed by the company studied to increase port productivity and the Lean Service theory, which comes to be the adaptation of lean principles that have emerged from manufacturing to the service sector. The company cited in this article is one of the major container terminals affiliated to the Brazilian Association of Container Terminals for Public Use. The main purpose of this segment is related to the speed of operations, driven by customer requirement to maintain your boat moored in the shortest time in port due to high costs of late completion of their routes. The main findings indicate that the actions taken by the company to improve productivity indicators are directly related to process optimization, and consequently to increase the speed of the containers loading and unloading operations.

Author Biography

Roquemar de Lima Baldam, Ifes

PhD in Production Engineering. Has practical experience in the implantation in Private and Public organizations, in the areas of Research, Processes, Projects, Electronic Information Management, Knowledge Management, Tools to rationalize the work. Project Management Professional (PMP), Certified Business Process Professional (CBPP) and Certified Document Imaging Architect (CDIA +).


ABRATEC – Associação Brasileira de Terminais de Contêineres de Uso Público (2017). 12 de Janeiro de 2011.

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