The benefits of applying a Kaizen in the area of health and safety at work: a case study in a textile industry
Lean Manufacturing, Work Safety, KaizenAbstract
Faced with the search for continuous improvement of its processes and through the need to adapt its activities to ensure the health and safety of its employees, companies have been seeking alternatives for Lean Manufacturing and Occupational Safety Health (SST) methodologies to be implemented together, ensuring greater and better benefits for the operation. In this context, this work aims to improve the conditions that generate health and safety of the workers of a textile company, through the Kaizen methodology. The work adopts the case study as a methodological approach, whose evidences were collected after the realization of Kaizen in one of the areas of the factory. The results show that the Kaizen tool assisted in the improvement of methods and processes, and the safety issues were addressed together, making the process safer and more robust, concluding that both are allied and not adversarial within the industrial process.References
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