Implementation of Hoshin Kanri: focus, alignment and synergy in the deployment of goals of an Operating Unit of SESI Santa Catarina
HOSHIN, A3, PDCA.Abstract
This article aims to develop new management practices of Operational Unit of SESI Santa Catarina, in order to increase revenue, cost reduction through kaizen, strategic projects for new market and development of people. The Lean journey started in 2015 with a value stream map and kaizens. To continue the Lean transformation, consistently, there was the need to manage the entire Lean journey through a master plan: the Hoshin KANRI was the tool to involve the employees in the Lean philosophy. This definition was the basis for the creation of PDCA teams, aligning the business elements to the true goals. As a result, the Operational unit changed its management model, previously focused on functional areas and now focusing on business. Each team reflected and analyzed there challenges, developed a plan initiatives for 12 months. Each team executes the company´s strategy, tactics and operational plan in a process called catchball, linking all experiments of Hoshin by PDCA cycles.References
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