Uses of Lean Manufacturing tools to improve the efficiency of production flow in a can factory
Otimization, Lean tools, VSM, OEE, SMED.Abstract
This work was developed in a company that produces metallic cans and that does not adopt the philosophy of Lean Manufacturing. The need to provide products with different characteristics turned out the production process to be complex, inefficient, and large stock between operations. The goal was to improve the productivity by identifying and eliminating waste. The starting point was the elaboration of the VSM of current status to identify potential improvement. The VSM (Value Stream Map) analysis showed that the pieces of equipment and the lithographic machine have OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) at a quite low rate, around 26,95%, which led the need for additional shift to attend the demand. Using chronoanalysis and PCP information, it was observed that by reducing the set up to 30 min, those pieces of equipment could work just in one shift. Then, it was applied the Kaizen SMED (Single minute exchange of die), changing intern to external activities and redistributing activities to be executed in parallel. The results showed a reduction of set up time from 61min21s to 29min42s, allowing to eliminate a work shift. After the implementation of these improvements, the managers decide to adopt the lean philosophy as the company´s new management model.
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