Bibliometric analysis on the lean production applied to agribusiness in congresses of Production Engineering
Lean Manufacturing, Techniques and tool, Social network analyses, Bibliometric review, Agroindustrial systemAbstract
The present study aims to evaluate the studies of the system Lean Production applied to agribusiness in the main center of Production Engineering (SIMPEP, Congresso Lean, SIMPOI, ENEGEP and ICIEOM), in order to classify them by means of parameters such as: country of origin, establishment of bond of authors, year of publication and keywords. To ensure that such requirements were reached, it was used in the bibliometrics as technique, since the research is characterized as quantitative. For the results, we found 296 publications that deal with the lean production, of which only 10 are applied to agribusiness, being that the sugarcane corn is what has most prominently. These results show that the scarcity of studies relating to the application of the system Lean Production in agribusiness. There is that there is a wide range of studies for the subject Lean to be developed in the agribusiness sector. Such studies but may lack on the part of researchers from the adaptation of these concepts already consolidated, to meet a sector that has specific characteristics and needs of new management tools for the continuity of its competitiveness in a globalized market.
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