Productive leveling through the flow map of value in a confectionery company


  • Rayane Stuani Universidade Estadual de Maringá
  • Franciely Velozo Aragão Universidade Estadual de Maringá


Leveling, family of products, MFV


Each market sector demands a different form of data and information processing, relating the search for filtered information that can improve the way the employee and the company perform versus the competitors. Through this thought, the purpose of this paper is to discuss the use of the Value Stream Mapping (MFV) tool in identifying the recurring problems of the Sewing Sector of a garment company. The choice of the sector was based on the high index of manual activity, as it is a production line, for the work of raw material in batches and for the necessity of identifying the causes of the problems occurred in the sector. The option for the MFV was due to the flexibility of the tool in adapting to the different industrial sectors, bringing to the study a range of possibilities for improvements. With everything from MFVActual, which contains all the information of the activities, it will be possible to determine, through analysis, the problems of the sector, as well as to define the ways to mitigate them and later to develop the MFV- Future that such improvements.


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