PMOs - Diagnosis of the scope of project management offices for improvement purposes
Escritórios de gerenciamento de projetos, EGP, Escopo de atuação dos escritórios de projetosAbstract
Project Management Offices (PMOs) are essential mechanisms that facilitate their adaptation to the dynamic context of organizational organizations. Although there is a wealth of literature regarding the attributions of EGPs, it is not always an easy job to analyze the scope of application that exists now. This study aims to propose an instrument to identify the scope of EGPs' performance and, in this way, serve as a support for the diagnosis of office performance and, consequently, facilitate its maintenance and alignment with the goals of the organization to which it belongs. This research can be defined as applied, exploratory and with a qualitative approach. In turn, as a methodological approach, it was chosen as Design Science Research (DSR), a method oriented to the solution of practical problems. For the preparation of the instrument, 15 studies that typified EGPs according to their characteristics and attributions were selected. The questionnaire developed in this study was applied to an EGP in order to test its result. The EGP team responds to the proposed instrument, obtaining a view of the scope of action and its main characteristics. The instrument used to be useful in describing the status of the EGP's performance, with objectivity and practicality, highlighting areas that can be included or removed from the scope, or even improved, according to the organization's strategic objectives and the perception of managers responsible for it.References
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