Introduction of the Heijunka methodology to improve the control and leveling of inventories of the operating system of a company in the metal-mechanical segment
Stock leveling, Heijunka, Kanban System, Lean manufacturing, Automotive sector.Abstract
Since competitiveness has become an increasingly noticed factor in the business scenario, it becomes essentially important for organizations to acquire new ways to manage the quality of products offered to customers. Thus, the objective of this research is to demonstrate the application of the concepts of Heijunka methodologies and the Kanban System as a method of leveling the stock level in a sidecar manufacturer, which for confidentiality purposes, will be considered in this article as Empresa Alfa, analyzing the benefits that the use of these tools brings to the management and stock control of projects, helping to ensure lean and flexible production. Thus, in order to highlight the topic analyzed with greater efficiency, a work was elaborated through the in loco study carried out in a systematic way based on the contents available in methods, techniques and procedures of a technical-scientific nature. Through this study, it was possible to verify the advantages and functionalities presented by the methodologies used, since the implementation of this instrument enabled a significant improvement in the inventory control of a pull production system. In addition, through the use of these tools, it was possible to show that the supply of products occurs in accordance with demand and in a standardized way, allowing the enterprise to carry out its activities in a lean and flexible manner, since it was possible to reduce the levels of stock considerably.
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