Use of the Workload Control (WLC) methodology to reduce the lead time of the machining process in a company in the manufacturing sector
Manufacturing, Workloads, Workload Control (WLC), Industry.Abstract
The growing competitive pressure has driven the search for alternatives that provide both the reduction in delivery times and the mitigation of costs in all processes in the production chain. Thus, the objective of this research is to use the union of FMEA and Workload Control (WLC) methodologies in a company in the metalworking sector, which will be considered in this article as Empresa Alfa, identifying the problems that increase the lead-time of the process production, and with the help of the WLC methodology, analyze the workloads carried out on the production line so that it is possible to control production. In order to make the achievement visible to the company's employees, in this analysis, techniques were used that allowed a greater interaction with the daily routine of the organizational production line. Through this research, it was possible to analyze the benefits that the FMEA and WLC methodologies bring to the company in which it was implemented, since with a view of the possible failures identified through the FMEA methodology, the company can develop a corrective action plan to prevent against any listed failures. In addition, the use of the WLC methodology made it possible to view the workloads of employees, making it possible to view employees who were suffering from fatigue and who were working exhaustively.References
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