Lean manufacturing maturity level: a case-study applied in the Brazilian auto-parts industry



Lean maturity, Lean manufacturing, BPMM, Lean tools


Lean Manufacturing known as Toyota Production System is a systematic method of waste reduction within a manufacturing system without sacrificing its productivity, assisting on the identification and steady elimination of waste. It has started in Japan and, besides the culture differences, it has arrived in Brazil and is being successfully used in some companies with engagement and commitment through the employees. As lean manufacturing is composed by many different tools that support the sustainability of the continuous improvement and considering the difficulty in assessing the evolution of this system through the operational maturity level, it is important to have a general overview of how methods are implemented and sustained by the organization in order to reach its targets. So far, the purpose of this article was the application of a business process maturity model questionnaire in a Brazilian auto-parts manufacturing company, specializing in interior electronics, which has fourteen methods related to its business system, then ordinate them to facilitate the gap's visualization between them and the company`s target. The first step was to understand each method, adapt the Business Process Maturity Model (BPMM) to evaluate the methods maturity, and finally propose a connection between them in order to observe the gaps and help the company to develop an action plan to guarantee that the sustainability of the implementation until all the methods reaches the highest lean maturity level.

Author Biographies

Ugo Ibusuki, UFABC

Management Engineering, Professor

Keila Yuri Kakazu, UFABC

Management Engineering, Graduate Student


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