Impact of missing spare part on production efficiency: An analysis with the OEE indicator
Eficiência, Estoque, Peças de reposição, OEEAbstract
Nowadays, with changes in the world scenario in the midst of globalization, the emergence of new technologies and new forms of organization have been driving companies to become more competitive, to redesign their strategies and operations processes, especially with efficient use of all its resources. Maintenance management is fundamental in this process in order to maintain the proper functioning of production processes. Previous studies on the efficiency analysis through indicators have investigated the application of the OEE (Overal Equipment Eficient) indicator in several contexts. The objective of this research was to analyze the impact of the lack of spare parts on the production efficiency using as metric the OEE indicator. For that, a case study was carried out in a chemical company that uses industrial operations in a continuous way. The results indicated that the lack of an essential part for the operation of a machine impaired the entire productive chain in which it is inserted.References
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