Assessment tool to measure ergonomics and lean principles in small and medium enterprises
ergonomia, princípios Lean, produção enxuta, condições de trabalhoAbstract
Several studies discuss the relationships between ergonomics and Lean principles, seeking to investigate their synergies and conflicts. This paper analyzes these relationships through a review of related studies in order to list the evaluable aspects of both areas. In order to systematize this review, we used the analytical (to extract the evaluable aspects), and the interpretative techniques (in order to discuss the relation through the combination of these aspects). The aspects were confronted and discussed their relations, where 51% were interpreted as harmonious, 37% partially harmonious and 12% of the relations (2x) were considered conflicting. From these aspects, a tool was created to evaluate ergonomics and Lean principles in small companies, where such practices are not formalized. A pilot test of the questionnaire was carried out in the company of plywood, whose results showed aspects of ergonomics and lean production that should be improved, such as the adequacy of work organization, environmental conditions (temperature and noise), production layout, encouraging employee participation in solutions and ergonomics in office environments. The Pearson coefficient indicated the correlations between the aspects, noting that maintaining adequate demand contributes to the reduction of waste, that prevention and health practices maximize productivity, and yet that system and worker performance are positively related. These results differ from the interpretative analysis, since the first one was carried out from the discussions contained in the articles, and the second presents a diagnosis of a specific environment. The correlation analysis can be used by the manager in order to understand the relationship of the aspects perceived in his company and to base strategies. It is concluded that this tool is helpful to identify ergonomic and Lean demands, and can contribute to environments that seek harmony between ergonomics and lean production.References
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