Re-layout in a study environment to increase their capacity based on the SLP
Layout, SLP, Work EnvironmentAbstract
With the entry of new members in a research group of product, process and services, there is a lack of capacity to accommodate them, also the old members of this group have complaints in relation to the environment. For a better use of the available space and increase the capacity to accommodate new users and the adequacy of the positioning of the users in relation to the objects, this work made a study and, next, the proposition of a re-layout of the environment. To reach this aim, the Phase III of SLP (Systematic Layout Planning) was followed, comprising a detailed layout. Considering resource constraints, being that, the resources available in the research group such tables, chairs, general materials, and without budget, adaptations regarding user comfort, and pre-established restrictions, three models have been proposed according to the restrictions, these models were evaluated and one was selected.References
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