Lean office: administrative value stream mapping in a routine of work in a public organ
Lean Office, Mapeamento do Fluxo de Valor, Administração Pública.Abstract
Over the years, Lean manufacturing was found in increasing development and has been gaining more space in their respective universes, however, organizations that decide to apply the philosophy Lean in its processes focus only on manufacturing processes at the expense of areas administrative. Based on this, the present study aimed to propose improvements to a family of current administrative processes in a Federal Public Agency, applying principles and concepts of Lean Office. This work was developed through analysis of historical records information system and Value Stream Mapping, it was possible to select a target family to study, map the current state of processes, identifying their lead times and losses / waste, create a plan of action and then propose feasible improvements in order to reduce them or eliminate them. However, it notes that there is a reduction of around 82% in time enters the early stages and process end in evidence, checking that lean principles show themselves capable of offering good results also for the administrative sectors.
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