Application of Lean Office in the process of integration of a professor in a University of Alagoas
Lean Office. Qualidade. Otimização. Processo. Melhoria.Abstract
This paper presents concepts of Lean Office as a tool of competence, independent of the branch to be applied. The use of Lean Office in the activity of hiring teachers in an educational institution in Maceió, Alagoas, if given the possibility of simplifying the process, as well as integrate the professional organisation of satisfactorily and effectively. The application of quality tools flowcharts and mapofluxograma provided the identification of opportunities for improvement such as: reducing the time of recruitment of teachers, optimization of productivity in the functional areas of institution and the increase in satisfaction of customers and employees. Thus, this article presents a case study in the integration process of a teacher at a private institution of higher education of Alagoas, and as its main objective, to propose alternatives to improve the integration of new teachers.
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