Waste and Sustainability in small furniture Industries of Paraná Southwest
Lean manufacturing, sustentabilidade, desperdícios, madeira, resíduos.Abstract
This research presents the results of a study on the environmental issues related to the operations and lean manufacturing the two furniture companies located in the city of Pato Branco-PR. The methodology was characterized as a survey with descriptive approach and the data collection was done through questionnaires to managers. To demonstrate during the study, based on literature and supplemented by questionnaires to the company are adapting and being managed within the waste disposal perspective and how they are using disposal practices and reuse of materials in wood. As a result, generally two companies with different views of how environmental programs can help the competitiveness of the company. Within the lean perspective were identified waste and lack of specific control for residues generated. Organizations should try to seek a means to balance its related environmental issues operations for global improvements.
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