Lean material handling system applied to an order manufacturing process
Produção Enxuta, Manufatura por Projeto, Movimentação Lean de materiais, redução de estoque, KanbanAbstract
Industries operating in highly competitive markets realize the need to create improvement strategies and cost reduction, because the changes that are directly affecting the world economy. Therefore, they seek methods to adapt to the current reality and remain in the market, seeking to meet the needs of the client. In this context, stock management is extremely relevant because methods of manufacture improvements and reduction on supply acquisition can be reached through a lean process in which information and material flow continuously. This paper aims to propose improvements in stock management fasteners elements used on machines assembly. Using a case study conducted in a in a manufacturing project company, aiming the importance that fasteners elements have, identifying the layout and mapping the flow of information and materials necessary in the process supply. The results show that will be possible to reduce 24% of the total stock and 70% annual stock volume, representing a 10% reduction in allocated resources and 67% reduction in capital invested on these materials.References
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