

  • Sueli Goulart
  • Elaine Tavares IELA/Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Maria Ceci Misoczky
  • Nildo Ouriques
  • Fernando Prado


We present the first number of the third year of Rebela’s existence with renewed satisfaction and commitment. Inaugurated in 2011, Rebela aim is to disseminate the production of Latin-American intellectuals and activists and to contribute to the construction and consolidation of a social thought based on the Marxist tradition, mainly in the Latin American Marxism. We are aware of the constrains faced by counter-hegemonic initiatives in the space of knowledge production and dissemination. The short life of Brazilian journals, mainly of those of open access and those positioned within this intellectual tradition, is a ghost surrounding editors and authors. Usually, the evaluative process to which the journals and authors are subject is determinant to this discontinuity. During these two years of Rebela we were able to fulfill the initial aims and to go through the institutional evaluation. As it we mentioned in the previous Editorial, Rebela has been officially recognized by CAPES and included in its Qualis. We thank all that, believing in this initiative, submitted papers, evaluated and published in Rebela. Under the dominance of productivism and impact factors, the act of collaborating with this journal is, above all, a political act. In the same way, the institutional recognition re-affirms our commitment to disseminate the critical Latin American thought in the academy without limiting ourselves to it. This is way theory and practice, action and reflection, context and social totality, are the categories around which we organize one more issue of Rebela, as it will be seen in the papers included.

Biographie de l'auteur

Elaine Tavares, IELA/Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Educadora, jornalista, mestre em Comunicação Social pela PUC/RS, pesquisadora no Instituto de Estudos Latino-Americanos/UFSC




