
Which journals on this site would you like to register with?
  • Cacupé - Revista de Textualidades Acadêmicas
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  • Revista Avant
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  • Cadernos NAUI
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  • Perma Journal
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  • Preguiça
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  • Revista de Pesquisa e Prática em Psicologia
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  • Processo seletivo PPGFIL – UFSC
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  • Boas Práticas em Educação PROGRAD/UFSC
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  • Revista NECAT - Revista do Núcleo de Estudos de Economia Catarinense
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  • Jornada ECO de Pesquisas em Desenvolvimento
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  • Publicações do NUP
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  • Captura Críptica: law, politics, current affairs
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  • Revista M
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  • REBELA - Revista Brasileira de Estudos Latino-Americanos
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  • Sobre Tudo
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  • Social Science Studies
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  • uox - Revista Acadêmica de Letras-Português
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  • Revista Estudos Anglo-Americanos
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  • Mix Sustentável
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  • Journal of Lean Systems
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  • Boletim do Curso de Medicina da UFSC
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  • Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación de Lengua de Señas
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  • Revista Ciências da Saúde
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  • PERI
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  • Revista Acadêmica de Relações Internacionais
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  • Revista Santa Catarina em História
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