% This file was created with JabRef 2.10. % Encoding: Cp1252 @article{Barryetal1996, author={Barry, S. J. and Jennings, M. R. and Smith, H. M.}, title={Letter to the editor: current subspecific names for {W}estern \emph{Thamnophis sirtalis}}, journal = {Journal of Herpetology}, year={1996}, volume={27}, number={4}, pages={172--173}, url={http://pubs.er.usgs.gov/publication/1017400} } @article{BarryJennings1998, author = {Barry, Sean and Jennings, Mark}, year = {1998}, month = {01}, pages = {224--228}, title = {Coluber Infernalis Blainville, 1835 And Eutaenia Sirtalis Tetrataenia Cope In Yarrow, 1875 (Currently Thamnophis Sirtalis Infernalis And T. S. Tetrataenia; Reptilia, Squamata): Proposed Conservation Of The Subspecific Names By The Designation Of A Neotype For T. S. Infernalis}, volume = {55}, journal = {The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature.}, doi = {10.5962/bhl.part.193} } @article{Opinion1961, author = {ICZN}, year = {2000}, month = {01}, pages = {191--192}, title = {Opinion 1961: Coluber infernalis Blainville, 1835 and Eutaenia sirtalis tetrataenia Cope in Yarrow, 1875 (currently Thamnophis sirtalis infernalis and T. s. tetrataenia; Reptilia, Serpentes): subspecific names conserved by the designation of a neotype for T. s. infernalis}, volume = {57}, journal = {The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature.} } @article{Baumann2019, number = {18}, pages = {95--108}, volume = {9}, doi = {10.26694/cadpetfil.v9i18.8619}, journal = {Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia}, title = {Predicative Names}, year = {2019}, author = {Pierre Baumann} } @article{BoundyRossman1995, ISSN = {00458511, 19385110}, URL = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/1446824}, author = {Jeff Boundy and Douglas A. Rossman}, journal = {Copeia}, number = {1}, pages = {236--240}, publisher = {[American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (ASIH), Allen Press]}, title = {Allocation and Status of the {G}arter {S}nake Names \emph{Coluber infernalis} {B}lainville, \emph{Eutaenia sirtalis tetrataenia} {C}ope and \emph{Eutaenia imperialis} {C}oues and {Y}arrow}, year = {1995} } @article{Hull1970, ISSN = {00664162}, URL = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2096765}, author = {David L. Hull}, journal = {Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics}, pages = {19--54}, publisher = {Annual Reviews}, title = {Contemporary Systematic Philosophies}, volume = {1}, year = {1970} } @article{Martinich1977, title = {The Attributive Use of Proper Names}, year = {1977}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, pages = {159--163}, author = {A. P. Martinich}, doi = {10.1093/analys/37.4.159}, number = {4}, volume = {37}, journal = {Analysis} } @article{YuZhang2005, doi = {10.1016/j.ympev.2005.01.017}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2005.01.017}, year = {2005}, publisher = {Elsevier {BV}}, volume = {35}, number = {2}, pages = {483--495}, author = {Yu, Li and Zhang, Ya-ping}, title = {Phylogenetic studies of pantherine cats ({F}elidae) based on multiple genes, with novel application of nuclear $\upbeta$-fibrinogen intron 7 to carnivores}, journal = {Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution} } @inbook{PutnamTDR, place={Cambridge}, title={‘Two dogmas’ revisited}, volume={3}, DOI={10.1017/CBO9780511625275.007}, booktitle={Philosophical Papers}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Putnam, Hilary}, year={1983}, pages={87–97}} @article{CaponiEI, author = {Gustavo Caponi}, journal = {Culturas Científicas}, pages = {1--15}, title = {Esencia e identidad en Filosofía de la taxonomía}, volume = {1}, number = {2}, year = {2018} } @article{FineEM, author = {Kit Fine}, journal = {Philosophical Perspectives}, pages = {1--16}, publisher = {[Ridgeview Publishing Company, Wiley]}, title = {Essence and Modality: The Second Philosophical Perspectives Lecture}, volume = {8}, year = {1994} } @article{McVayetal2017, doi = {10.1098/rspb.2017.0300}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2017.0300}, year = {2017}, month = {may}, publisher = {The Royal Society}, volume = {284}, number = {1854}, pages = {20170300}, author = {John D. McVay and Andrew L. Hipp and Paul S. Manos}, title = {A genetic legacy of introgression confounds phylogeny and biogeography in oaks}, journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences} } @article{HaberIT, volume = {31}, number = {6}, year = {2016}, pages = {913--930}, title = {The Individuality Thesis (3 ways)}, author = {Matthew H. Haber}, journal = {Biology and Philosophy} } @article{DevittIEI, title = {Individual Essentialism in Biology}, year = {2018}, volume = {33}, journal = {Biology and Philosophy}, pages = {39}, author = {Michael Devitt}, number = {5-6} } @article{DevittHBE, journal = {Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences}, volume = {71}, author = {Michael Devitt}, title = {Historical Biological Essentialism}, pages = {1--7}, year = {2018} } @incollection{LaPorteMES, author = "Joseph LaPorte", title = "Modern Essentialism for Species and Its Animadversions", booktitle = "The Routledge Handbook of Evolution and Philosophy", publisher = "Routledge", year = 2018, pages = {182--193}, Editor = {Joyce, Richard}, doi = {10.4324/9781315764863.ch13}, URL = https://www.routledgehandbooks.com/doi/10.4324/9781315764863.ch13 } @article{Tschoppetal2015, doi = {10.7717/peerj.857}, url = {https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.857}, year = {2015}, month = {apr}, publisher = {{PeerJ}}, volume = {3}, pages = {e857}, author = {Emanuel Tschopp and Oct{\'{a}}vio Mateus and Roger B.J. Benson}, title = {A specimen-level phylogenetic analysis and taxonomic revision of Diplodocidae (Dinosauria, Sauropoda)}, journal = {{PeerJ}} } @article{Baronetal2017, doi = {10.1038/nature21700}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1038/nature21700}, year = {2017}, month = {mar}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, volume = {543}, number = {7646}, pages = {501--506}, author = {Matthew G. Baron and David B. Norman and Paul M. Barrett}, title = {A new hypothesis of dinosaur relationships and early dinosaur evolution}, journal = {Nature} } @Article{WitteveenNTC, author="Witteveen, Joeri", title="Suppressing Synonymy with a Homonym: The Emergence of the Nomenclatural Type Concept in Nineteenth Century Natural History", journal="Journal of the History of Biology", year="2016", month="Feb", day="01", volume="49", number="1", pages="135--189", abstract="`Type' in biology is a polysemous term. In a landmark article, Paul Farber (Journal of the History of Biology 9(1): 93--119, 1976) argued that this deceptively plain term had acquired three different meanings in early nineteenth century natural history alone. `Type' was used in relation to three distinct type concepts, each of them associated with a different set of practices. Important as Farber's analysis has been for the historiography of natural history, his account conceals an important dimension of early nineteenth century `type talk.' Farber's taxonomy of type concepts passes over the fact that certain uses of `type' began to take on a new meaning in this period. At the closing of the eighteenth century, terms like `type specimen,' `type species,' and `type genus' were universally recognized as referring to typical, model members of their encompassing taxa. But in the course of the nineteenth century, the same terms were co-opted for a different purpose. As part of an effort to drive out nomenclatural synonymy -- the confusing state of a taxon being known to different people by different names -- these terms started to signify the fixed and potentially atypical name-bearing elements of taxa. A new type concept was born: the nomenclatural type. In this article, I retrace this perplexing nineteenth century shift in meaning of `type.' I uncover the nomenclatural disorder that the new nomenclatural type concept dissolved, and expose the conceptual confusion it left in its tracks. What emerges is an account of how synonymy was suppressed through the coinage of a homonym.", issn="1573-0387", doi="10.1007/s10739-015-9410-y", url="https://doi.org/10.1007/s10739-015-9410-y" } @article{Schwartz2002, year = {2002}, author = {Stephen P. Schwartz}, title = {Kinds, General Terms, and Rigidity: A Reply to {L}a{P}orte}, publisher = {Springer}, volume = {109}, number = {3}, journal = {Philosophical Studies}, pages = {265--277} } @article{LaPorteEM, title = {{E}ssential {M}embership}, journal = {Philosophy of Science}, pages = {96--112}, publisher = {University of Chicago Press}, number = {1}, volume = {64}, author = {Joseph LaPorte}, year = {1997} } @article{LaPorteRK, number = {3}, volume = {97}, year = {2000}, pages = {293--316}, title = {Rigidity and Kind}, journal = {Philosophical Studies}, publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, author = {Joseph LaPorte} } @article{DevittRA, title = {Rigid Application}, pages = {139--165}, author = {Michael Devitt}, volume = {125}, year = {2005}, journal = {Philosophical Studies}, number = {2}, publisher = {Springer} } @article{Cook1980, title = {If `Cat' is a Rigid Designator, What Does It Designate?}, pages = {61--4}, journal = {Philosophical Studies}, year = {1980}, publisher = {Springer}, author = {Monte Cook}, volume = {37}, number = {1} } @book{LoweMKB, year = {2009}, author = {E. J. Lowe}, address = {Oxford}, publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell}, title = {{M}ore {K}inds of {B}eing: {A} {F}urther {S}tudy of {I}ndividuation, {I}dentity, and the {L}ogic of {S}ortal {T}erms} } @book{LoweKoB, year = {1989}, author = {E. J. Lowe}, publisher = {Blackwell}, title = {Kinds of Being: {A} Study of Individuation, Identity, and the Logic of Sortal Terms} } @book{Labillardiere1806, year = {1806}, author = {Jacques Labillardi\`ere}, address = {Paris}, publisher = {Huzard}, title = {Novae Holandiae Plantarum Specimen}, volume = {II} } @book{SidelleNEI, year = {1989}, author = {Alan Sidelle}, publisher = {Cornell University Press}, title = {Necessity, Essence, and Individuation: A Defense of Conventionalism} } @Book{deVriesS, Title = {Wilfrid Sellars}, Author = {deVries, Willem A.}, Publisher = {Acumen}, Year = {2005}, Address = {Chesham}, Bdsk-file-1 = {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}, Date-added = {2012-06-24 10:38:31 -0300}, Date-modified = {2012-07-29 18:05:32 -0300} } @Book{AbbottR, Title = {Reference}, Author = {Abbott, Barbara}, Publisher = {Oxford University Press}, Year = {2010}, Address = {Oxford}, Bdsk-file-1 = {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}, Date-added = {2012-06-24 16:34:21 -0300}, Date-modified = {2012-06-24 16:35:54 -0300} } @Article{AdamsPT, Title = {Primitive Thisness and Primitive Identity}, Author = {Adams, Robert M.}, Journal = {The Journal of Philosophy}, Year = {1979}, Number = {1}, Pages = {5--26}, Volume = {76}, Bdsk-file-1 = {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}, Date-added = {2012-07-17 12:26:28 -0300}, Date-modified = {2012-07-17 12:27:53 -0300} } @Book{TheCell, Title = {Molecular Biology of the Cell}, Author = {Alberts, Bruce and Johnson, Alexander and Lewis, Julian and Raff, Martin and Roberts, Keith and Walter, Peter}, Publisher = {Garland Science}, Year = {2002}, Address = {New York}, Edition = {4}, Date-added = {2012-04-26 10:43:08 -0300}, Date-modified = {2012-04-26 10:48:02 -0300} } @Book{AmabisMartho, Title = {{B}iologia}, Author = {Amabis, Jos{\'e} Mariano and Martho, Gilberto Rodrigues}, Publisher = {Moderna}, Year = {2010}, Address = {S{\~a}o Paulo}, Volume = {2}, Date-added = {2013-11-08 13:44:04 -0200}, Date-modified = {2013-11-08 13:45:34 -0200} } @Article{AmbrusP, Title = {{I}s {P}utnam's {C}ausal {T}heory of {M}eaning {C}ompatible with {I}nternal {R}ealism?}, Author = {Ambrus, Valer}, Journal = {Journal for General Philosophy of Science}, Year = {1999}, Pages = {1--16}, Volume = {30}, Date-added = {2013-08-01 14:18:01 -0300}, Date-modified = {2013-08-01 16:44:17 -0300} } @Book{AmorimFSF, Title = {Fundamentos de Sistem{\'a}tica Filogen{\'e}tica}, Author = {Amorim, Dalton de Souza}, Publisher = {Holos}, Year = {2002}, Address = {Ribeir{\~a}o Preto}, Date-added = {2011-10-06 16:02:11 -0300}, Date-modified = {2011-10-06 16:03:09 -0300} } @PhdThesis{TeseJonas, Title = {Discuss{\~o}es sobre a n{\~a}o-individualidade qu{\^a}ntica}, Author = {Arenhart, Jonas}, School = {Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina}, Year = {2011}, Bdsk-file-1 = {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}, Date-added = {2012-07-21 08:23:20 -0300}, Date-modified = {2012-07-21 08:31:47 -0300} } @Article{AverillKP, Title = {Essence and Scientific Discovery in Kripke and Putnam}, Author = {Averill, Edward}, Journal = {Philosophy and Phenomenological Research}, Year = {1982}, Number = {2}, Pages = {253--7}, Volume = {43}, Date-added = {2011-10-05 11:03:42 -0300}, Date-modified = {2011-10-05 11:04:42 -0300} } @Book{AviseEPN, Title = {Evolutionary Pathways in Nature: A Phylogenetic Approach}, Author = {Avise, John C.}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Year = {2006}, Address = {New York}, Date-added = {2011-10-07 16:31:10 -0300}, Date-modified = {2011-10-07 16:32:48 -0300} } @Article{AviseWollenPOS, Title = {Phylogenetics and the origin of species}, Author = {Avise, John C. and Wollenberg, Kurt}, Journal = {PNAS}, Year = {1997}, Pages = {7748--7755}, Volume = {94}, Date-added = {2012-05-21 21:02:37 -0300}, Date-modified = {2012-05-21 21:04:06 -0300} } @Article{BallarinNO, Title = {{T}he 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J.}, Booktitle = {A Companion to the Philosophy of Language}, Publisher = {Blackwell}, Year = {1997}, Address = {Oxford}, Editor = {Hale, Bob and Wright, Crispin}, Pages = {613--633}, Bdsk-file-1 = {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}, Date-added = {2012-07-21 08:34:32 -0300}, Date-modified = {2012-07-29 18:18:02 -0300} } @InCollection{LoweI, Title = {Individuation}, Author = {Lowe, E. J.}, Booktitle = {The Oxford Handbook of Metaphysics}, Publisher = {Oxford University Press}, Year = {2003}, Address = {New York}, Editor = {Loux, Michael J. and Zimmerman, Dean W.}, Pages = {75--95}, Date-added = {2011-10-05 14:12:34 -0300}, Date-modified = {2011-10-05 14:14:19 -0300} } @Book{LoweFCO, Title = {The Four-Category Ontology}, Author = {Lowe, E. J.}, Publisher = {Clarendon Press}, Year = {2006}, Address = {Oxford}, Owner = {Jerzy}, Timestamp = {2010.08.26} } @Article{LoweCI, Title = {What is a Criterion of Identity?}, Author = {Lowe, E. J.}, Journal = {The Philosophical Quarterly}, Year = {1989}, Number = {154}, Pages = {1--21}, Volume = {39}, Date-added = {2011-10-05 14:11:16 -0300}, Date-modified = {2011-10-05 14:12:10 -0300} } @Article{LuoM, Title = {Transformation and diversification in early mammal evolution}, Author = {Luo, Zhe-Xi}, Journal = {Nature}, Year = {2007}, Pages = {1011--19}, Volume = {450}, Date-added = {2012-07-16 22:17:22 -0300}, Date-modified = {2012-07-16 22:23:56 -0300} } @Book{LycanPL, Title = {Philosophy of Language: A contemporary introduction}, Author = {Lycan, William G.}, Publisher = {Routledge}, Year = {2008}, Address = {London}, Date-added = {2011-05-28 21:15:57 -0300}, Date-modified = {2011-05-28 21:15:57 -0300}, Owner = {Jerzy}, Timestamp = {2010.07.27} } @Book{Lycan2000, Title = {Philosophy of Language: A Contemporary Introduction}, Author = {Lycan, William G.}, Publisher = {Routledge}, Year = {2000}, Address = {London}, Owner = {Jerzy}, Pages = {--}, Refid = {13}, Timestamp = {2010.07.26} } @Book{MackieHT, Title = {How {T}hings {M}ight {H}ave {B}een}, Author = {Mackie, Penelope}, Publisher = {Oxford University Press}, Year = {2006}, Address = {Oxford}, Date-added = {2013-05-14 16:13:39 -0300}, Date-modified = {2013-05-14 16:15:29 -0300} } @article{MatthewsonDP, author = {Matthewson, John}, title = {Defining Paradigm Darwinian Populations}, journal = {Philosophy of Science}, volume = {82}, number = {2}, pages = {178-197}, year = {2015}, doi = {10.1086/680665}, URL = { https://doi.org/10.1086/680665 }, eprint = { https://doi.org/10.1086/680665 } , abstract = { This article presents an account of the biological populations that can undergo paradigmatic natural selection. I argue for, and develop Peter Godfrey-Smith’s claim that reproductive competition is a core attribute of such populations. However, as Godfrey-Smith notes, it is not the only important attribute. I suggest what the missing element is, co-opting elements of Alan Templeton’s notion of exchangeability. The final framework is then compared to two recent discussions regarding biological populations proposed by Roberta Millstein and Jacob Stegenga. } } @Book{MaturanaVarela, Title = {De M{\'a}quinas e Seres Vivos}, Author = {Maturana, Humberto and Varela, Francisco}, Publisher = {Artmed}, Year = {1997}, Address = {Porto Alegre}, Date-added = {2011-10-06 19:01:14 -0300}, Date-modified = {2011-10-06 19:02:07 -0300} } @InCollection{MaydenHSC, Title = {A hierarchy of species concepts: The denouement in the saga of the species problem}, Author = {Mayden, Richard L.}, Booktitle = {Species: The Units of Biodiversity}, Publisher = {Chapman and Hall}, Year = {1997}, Address = {London}, Editor = {Claridge, M. F. and Dawah, H. A. and Wilson, M. R.}, Pages = {381--424}, Date-added = {2012-03-27 16:54:24 -0300}, Date-modified = {2012-03-27 16:57:13 -0300} } @Article{MaydenFF, Title = {On biological species, species concepts and individuation in the natural wold}, Author = {Mayden, Richard L.}, Journal = {Fish and Fisheries}, Year = {2002}, Pages = {171--196}, Volume = {3}, Date-added = {2012-03-19 14:23:49 -0300}, Date-modified = {2012-03-19 14:24:47 -0300} } @InCollection{MayrSC, Title = {Species Concepts and Their Application}, Author = {Mayr, Ernst}, Booktitle = {Philosophy of Biology}, Publisher = {Macmillan}, Year = {1989}, Address = {New York}, Editor = {Ruse, MIchael}, Pages = {136--145}, Date-modified = {2012-07-29 18:18:46 -0300}, Owner = {Jerzy}, Refid = {20}, Timestamp = {2010.07.26} } @InCollection{MayrTP, Title = {Typological versus Populational Thinking}, Author = {Mayr, Ernst}, Booktitle = {Conceptual Issues in Evolutionary Biology}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Year = {2006}, Address = {Cambridge, MA}, Editor = {Sober, Elliott}, Pages = {325--328}, Date-added = {2011-09-02 10:04:22 -0300}, Date-modified = {2011-09-02 10:07:35 -0300} } @Book{MayrDPB, Title = {O desenvolvimento do pensamento biol{\'o}gico}, Author = {Mayr, Ernst}, Publisher = {UnB}, Year = {1998}, Address = {Bras{\'\i}lia}, Date-modified = {2011-09-02 10:30:34 -0300}, Owner = {Jerzy}, Pages = {--}, Refid = {61}, Timestamp = {2010.07.26} } @Book{Mayr1988, Title = {Toward a New Philosophy of Biology}, Author = {Mayr, Ernst}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Year = {1988}, Address = {Cambridge, MA}, Owner = {Jerzy}, Pages = {--}, Refid = {74}, Timestamp = {2010.07.26} } @Book{MayrGBT, Title = {The Growth of Biological Thought}, Author = {Mayr, Ernst}, Publisher = {Belnap Press of Harvard University Press}, Year = {1982}, Address = {Cambridge, MA}, Bdsk-file-1 = {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}, Date-added = {2012-07-08 20:38:15 -0300}, Date-modified = {2012-07-08 20:39:48 -0300} } @Book{MayrSOS, Title = {Systematics and the Origin of Species from the Viewpoint of a Zoologist}, Author = {Mayr, Ernst}, Publisher = {Columbia University Press}, Year = {1942}, Address = {New York}, Date-added = {2013-12-13 14:57:59 -0200}, Date-modified = {2013-12-13 14:59:19 -0200} } @Article{McDowellSR, Title = {On the {S}ense and {R}eference of a {P}roper {N}ame}, Author = {McDowell, John}, Journal = {Mind (New Series)}, Year = {1977}, Number = {342}, Pages = {159--185}, Volume = {86}, Date-added = {2014-02-21 17:16:59 -0300}, Date-modified = {2014-02-21 17:18:16 -0300} } @Article{McGinnNO, Title = {{O}n the {N}ecessity of {O}rigin}, Author = {McGinn, C.}, Journal = {The Journal of Philosophy}, Year = {1976}, Number = {5}, Pages = {127--135}, Volume = {73}, Owner = {Jerzy}, Timestamp = {2017.10.09} } @Book{MendelsohnF, Title = {The {P}hilosophy of {G}ottlob {F}rege}, Author = {Mendelsohn, Richard L.}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Year = {2005}, Address = {Cambridge, UK}, Date-added = {2014-02-21 17:13:52 -0300}, Date-modified = {2014-02-21 17:16:29 -0300} } @Book{MillSL, Title = {A System of Logic Ratiocinative and Inductive}, Author = {Mill, John Stuart}, Publisher = {Routledge \& Kegan Paul}, Year = {1974/1843}, Address = {London}, Volume = {I}, Date-modified = {2012-07-29 18:23:56 -0300}, Owner = {Jerzy}, Refid = {11}, Timestamp = {2010.07.28} } @Book{Mill1974[1843], Title = {A System of Logic Ratiocinative and Inductive}, Author = {Mill, John Stuart}, Publisher = {Routledge \& Kegan Paul}, Year = {1974 [1843]}, Address = {London}, Volume = {I}, Owner = {Jerzy}, Pages = {--}, Refid = {11}, Timestamp = {2010.07.26} } @Article{MillsteinPAI, author="Millstein, Roberta L.", title="Populations as Individuals", journal="Biological Theory", year="2009", month="Sep", day="01", volume="4", number="3", pages="267--273", abstract="Biologists studying ecology and evolution use the term ``population'' in many different ways. Yet little philosophical analysis of the concept has been done, either by biologists or philosophers, in contrast to the voluminous literature on the concept of ``species.'' This is in spite of the fact that ``population'' is arguably a far more central concept in ecological and evolutionary studies than ``species'' is. The fact that such a central concept has been employed in so many different ways is potentially problematic for the reason that inconsistent usages (especially when the usage has not been made explicit) might lead to false controversies in which disputants are simply talking past one another. However, the inconsistent usages are not the only, or even the most important reason to examine the concept. If any set of organisms is legitimately called a ``population,'' selection and drift processes become purely arbitrary, too. Moreover, key ecological variables, such as abundance and distribution, depend on a nonarbitrary way of identifying populations. I sketch the beginnings of a population concept, drawing inspiration from the Ghiselin-Hull individuality thesis, and show why some alternative approaches are nonstarters.", issn="1555-5550", doi="10.1162/biot.2009.4.3.267", url="https://doi.org/10.1162/biot.2009.4.3.267" } @InCollection{MishlerS, Title = {Getting {R}id of {S}pecies?}, Author = {Mishler, Brent}, Booktitle = {Species}, Publisher = {Bradford Books}, Year = {1999}, Address = {Cambridge, MA}, Editor = {Wilson, Robert A.}, Pages = {307--15}, Date-added = {2012-07-11 11:08:50 -0300}, Date-modified = {2012-07-11 11:12:52 -0300} } @InCollection{MishlerDono, Title = {Species Concepts: A Case for Pluralism}, Author = {Mishler, Brent and Donoghue, M. 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